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Free Staff Nurse cover letter example

Dear Ms. Bennett:

As a skilled Staff Nurse with 12+ years of experience providing comprehensive services to a wide variety of patients, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume. My background in supporting direct patient care allows me to substantially assist Olive Branch Medical Center in meeting—and exceeding—its healthcare goals.

My background includes preparing for—and assisting with—diagnostic procedures, monitoring patient status/progress, and communicating with cross-functional medical staff to coordinate all aspects of patient care in busy hospitals. Tracking patient vitals, analyzing patient data, and maintaining detailed patient and procedure records are just a few of the tasks I perform each day, consistently providing a superior level of compassionate patient care.

Please consider the following highlights of my experience:

Providing direct nursing care in a wide variety of medical cases—including surgery, ICU, telemetry, and radiology—while consistently serving as a patient advocate in communications with ancillary care providers.

Selected to serve as a charge nurse and preceptor, overseeing up to 15 staff and orienting and mentoring new nurses to ensure thorough procedural knowledge and superior patient care.

Evaluated existing standards of care for efficacy, and implemented improved standards to better accommodate federal credentialing agencies.

Recognized as a care-driven, dedicated, and focused team player and leader, skilled in communicating empathically with patients as well as ensuring effective and productive interactions among medical staff.

Earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree; current licensed RN in the state of New Mexico.

With my expertise in managing patient care and support, I am confident in my ability to greatly contribute to Olive Branch Medical Center. I look forward to discussing this opportunity and my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Marcella O. Hollier

Include These Staff Nurse Skills

  • Nursing expertise
  • Stamina and physical strength
  • Effective communication
  • Empathy and bedside manners
  • Computer literacy
  • Medical teamwork
  • Time management
  • Decision-making
  • Being able to work under pressure
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