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Free Machinist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Schwartz:

Please accept my enclosed resume in response to your recent ad for a Machinist for Machine Depot. I am a fully-trained and experienced Machinist who would bring valuable skills and qualifications to the position.

I bring 10+ years experience working with bore gauges, milling machines, surface grinders, drill presses, lathes and other equipment. I own many of my own tools that I can use on the job if required.

I am well-versed in both CNC and conventional machining processes. In addition, I am knowledgeable about OSHA regulations for machine shop environments and have continued to work safely in such environments throughout my career. I have received safety awards for conduct from past employers and filled the role of Safety Manager for Strato Systems from 2006 – 2012.

Below are just a few highlights that I feel clearly illustrate my abilities and accomplishments in this field:

Supervised the disassembly and repair of industrial machines and equipment for Flexor Works

Oversaw a team of four Machinists for the machining of engine blocks and cylinder heads for Mountain Motor Fabricators

Served as Quality Control Manager in the production of nuts and bolts used for heavy construction equipment for Gold Metal Inc.

Certified NIMS Machinist

Licensed Journeymen Machinist

I am fully prepared to bring a combination of managerial and production skills to your position to ensure success in your machine shop. My attention to detail, and time management and troubleshooting skills, would prove to be assets to help your company meet deadlines and work within the budget of each project. I would enjoy the opportunity to further discuss my professional qualifications in person at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration.


Gary F. Davis

Include These Machinist Skills

  • Technical/mechanical knowledge
  • Troubleshooting capabilities
  • Blueprint and technical manual reading
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management skills
  • Analytical skills
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