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Free Seamstress cover letter example

Dear Mr. Tribe:

I am submitting my resume for the position of Seamstress. As a skilled, creative and disciplined expert, with more than two decades of experience creating and altering garments, I believe that I am poised to become an asset to your company.

My professional experience includes serving as the Lead Seamstress for a group of seven to 10 seamstresses while meeting my own productivity goals each day. I have also worked in a variety of environments ’factory, boutique, hotel ’and gained valuable experience working with people of different cultures and economic status. With my experience and knowledge of the industry, I am in a perfect position to positively impact Sew Perfect Industries.

Below are some highlights of my relevant experience and qualifications:

Created and altered formal garments, such as wedding dresses, tuxedos and evening gowns

Upheld daily specific productivity guidelines of three formal garment alterations per hour

Operated industrial sewing machines, shirring machines and sergers on a weekly basis

Assisted a wide range of clients choose the best combination of fabrics and patterns in order to create custom-made garments that flattered them

Maintained a clean, organized and well-stocked work area for seven to 10 seamstresses

Regularly created client estimates regarding how much garments would cost to create based on time and materials involved

I—m confident that my wide range of experience as a seamstress as well as my ability to successfully interface with a diverse group of clientele would serve your organization well. I am ready to discuss with you how I can benefit your company and would welcome the opportunity to give you additional insight into my qualifications and experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Dana J. Barrick

Include These Seamstress Skills

  • Use of all types of sewing tools and machinery
  • Detailed knowledge of garment construction
  • Measurement and assessment abilities
  • Alterations and repair experience
  • Pattern modification and creation
  • Accent ’ buttons, lace, trim ’ selection and application
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