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Free Clinical Psychologist cover letter example

Dear Dr. Brown:

When I learned of your need for a Clinical Psychologist, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. My experience working with patients coping with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders – encompassing my commitment to effectively evaluating patient needs and delivering optimal and appropriate treatments – gives me confidence in my ability to significantly benefit your practice.

With my background in providing comprehensive therapy to patients suffering from a variety of disorders and psychological conditions, my background has prepared me to excel in this role. My ability to connect with individuals and establish trusting relationships, along with my strong communication and assessment capabilities, position me to thrive in this challenging field. Furthermore, I hold a distinguished Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with Honors from the University of Montana.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Providing vital psychological counseling and treatment services to patients of all ages suffering from a broad range of afflictions, including eating disorders, sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, dementia, bereavement and other chronic illnesses.

Treating children, adolescents, adults, couples and the elderly in both individual and group environments while incorporating cognitive-behavioral, client-centric and play-based therapies; co-facilitating support groups to encourage communication and healing.

Performing integrated intervention using harm reduction, relapse prevention, cognitive behavioral, client-centric, and play-based strategies as appropriate.

Coordinating patient care with fellow psychologists as well as with ancillary providers such as treating physicians, neurologists, and psychiatrists.

Utilizing superior organizational and interpersonal abilities to provide optimal solutions and support in difficult and highly stressful situations.

With my previous experience and education in psychological counseling and treatment, complemented by my dedication to providing vital emotional support and forging solid patient relationships, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in further detail would be most welcome. Thank you for your consideration.


Caroline H. Wallace

Include These Clinical Psychologist Skills

  • Patient needs assessment
  • Treatment planning
  • Relationship building/management
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Case management
  • Group facilitation
  • Ancillary provider referrals
  • Scheduling and calendar management
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