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Free Research Analyst cover letter example

Dear Mr. Denham,

I am writing to you to express my interest in interviewing for the position of Research Analyst. Between my coursework for my Bachelor’s degree in Statistics and my internship at Crest Analytics, I have acquired experience with CRM software, SEO, web analytic tools, which I think I can use to help your organization succeed.

My professional experience includes shadowing a Research Analyst as they created data collection tools, collected data, cleaned data, and used machine learning and algorithms to make sense of data. I am hungry for an opportunity to apply what I learned as a Research Analyst for Smartt Analytics.

Here are some achievements from my internship that I think make me a perfect fit for your organization.

Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from Northwestern university

Used CRM software to document the results of data collection campaigns

Helped write surveys used in data collection campaigns

Used data visualization tools to present data interpretations to non-technical stakeholders

Used collected data to assist in creating targeted buyer personas based on demographics and psychographics

I pride myself on my ability to think critically and analyze data from all angles, as well as my comfort in presenting my ideas to anyone who will listen. I think my combination of skills and passion make me a great fit for your organization. I’d love for you to contact me to schedule an interview.


Mario K. Ives

Include These Research Analyst Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in market research, statistics, or computer science
  • Familiarity with CRM software
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to process large amounts of data
  • Proficiency in web analytics, SEO and business research tools
  • Knowledge of databases and Microsoft office
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Interpersonal skills
Research Analyst Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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