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Free Lecturer cover letter example

Dear Dr. Veloz:

It is with pleasure and great interest that I submit to you the enclosed CV in application for your posting for a Lecturer. With more than 11 years of experience instructing university students while simultaneously leading administrative and research activities, I am positioned to make a significant and positive impact on your school in this role.

My background includes outstanding teaching experience at the University of Delaware, instructing first- through fourth-year students to stimulate information interest and retention while invigorating classes through the use of new technologies and models. I have received commendation from university leadership, faculty peers, and students for my dedication to teaching excellence and my commitment to ensuring outstanding student experiences. Furthermore, I hold a Doctorate degree from the academically rigorous Pennsylvania State University.

Highlights of my qualifications include:

Instructing a range of courses’spanning introductory through thesis-level content—for classes of up to 145 students.

Developing and presenting weekly lectures, leading discussion sections, grading assignments, maintaining student records, creating and updating course websites, and overseeing teaching assistants.

Consistently achieving an average ranking of 4.8 out of 5 for “quality of teaching” in student experience surveys.

Serving in an active role on numerous academic committees while concurrently advising senior students on research projects and continuing academic endeavors.

Performing in-depth research studies, conducting interviews, analyzing results, and presenting qualitative and quantitative data; publishing 14+ articles (as both author and co-author) in reputable academic journals.

With my experience and credentials, coupled with my superior communication and leadership skills, I am well prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of research and teaching at your university and become an integral member of your faculty team.

I look forward to discussing my qualifications in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Laura J. Gallagher, PhD

Include These Lecturer Skills

  • A special interest for a particular research area
  • High motivation and enthusiasm
  • Research skills
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Flexibility and multitasking
  • Interpersonal skills for dealing with a wide range of people
  • Original thought and analytical skills
  • Computer competences
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