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Free Adjunct Professor cover letter example
Dear Mr. Sidney Harris:
I am writing to express my interest in the position of Adjunct Professor for the SHRP Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. I currently hold a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies from Union Institute and University, and have over 15 years of experience as a professor and administrator in health policy development. I completed an interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation utilizing elements of ethnomusicology, public policy, thanatology, and liturgical practice to explore HIV policy.
I offer a unique combination of undergraduate and graduate level teaching in both traditional and online settings, as well as Health Administration and Consulting background in the healthcare profession. I believe this combination of professional and academic experience ensures I am an excellent fit for this position.
Currently, I serve as Program Director of Management and Assistant Professor of Management for the Accelerated Studies for Adults Programs for Keuka College. I have incorporated elements of interdisciplinary research in the Masters of Management program at Kekuka College, where I have been instrumental in revising the curriculum. I coordinate administration for the management degree programs, develop online instruction and certificate programs, as well as design and facilitate online courses in Management. In addition, I direct 100+ adjunct and 6 full time faculty serving 350 students in 11 sites across central New York State. My work as online faculty extends to assisting students as Doctoral Dissertation Mentor and Committee Chair for the MBA Healthcare Administration program at Capella University. I have previously served as Executive Director and Program Administrator for Westchester County AIDS Council.
I have a passion for initiating, revamping, and redesigning programs in health sciences, health care management, health leadership, and health advocacy. I am able to leverage my previous experience as Executive Director of Westchester County AIDS Council to advise students on real world scenarios and situations. I have a proven background designing and implementing a health sciences research agenda and creating successful curriculum programs for online students.
I would enjoy discussing the Adjunct Professor position with you in the weeks to come. In the meantime, I am enclosing my Curriculum Vitae; letters of recommendation and references will arrive under separate cover. If you require any additional materials or information, I would be happy to supply it. Thank you for your consideration.
Karl Rios