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Technology Executive Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Directed IT operations, software development, quality assurance, and customer service/delivery.
- Led staff of 320, 8 direct reports; executed P&L for $10M budget on Managed Care Applications.
- Created Project Management Office (PMO); implemented requirements and release management, streamlined metrics, created financial accounting controls (Balanced Score Card), aligned budgeting processes, implement capacity modeling and earned value reporting.
- Improved Customer Satisfaction by 50%; involved clients on requirements, progress milestones, delivery and performance expectations, and product acceptance criteria.
- Achieved ISO 9001 certification; implemented TQM concepts with Six Sigma Agile, RUP and CMM.
- Cut time-to-market by 33%, reduced errors 400%, and cut development costs by 20%.
- Turned around critical delivery problems to achieve the next 17 deliveries on time; reduced product lifecycle from 18 to 12 months with 6-month iteration to match market responsiveness needs.
- Reduced time to test and achieved 20% reduction in rework across the development lifecycle.
- Reduced resources and costs by 25% for product development and testing, reduced product errors at delivery by 75% and booked 15% more work through the production pipeline.
0-5 years of experience
Provided strategic direction to merger of Inova Health Plan and Aetna Health Plan. Defined the technology strategy for ACO and Clinical Integration including policies and procedures and integration requirements with the rest of the Inova organization.
- Provided team with direction on ACO strategy and gained consensus with Physician groups on the value of hospital and physician partnership for improved health and meeting ACA and Meaningful Use requirements.
- Provided Direction to Executive Team on Technology Governance and Processes required to establish a new health plan.
- Completed strategic contract in six-month timeframe.
6-10 years of experience
Led strategic planning, implementation, and support for GE Energy global Systems Engineering within Smart Grid Transmission & Distribution, Power Generation, and Industrial industries. Directed and launched initiatives know as Smart Grid, Smart Power Plant, and Controls Simplification. Championed turnaround of performance, products, and services by transforming software engineering departments and processes from silos to partnerships enabling growth and scale. Implemented “systems thinking bridges” across multiple engineering disciplines in electrical, mechanical and software engineering. Managed 50 large-scale Smart Grid projects within time and budget constraints. Reported to EVP of GE Energy.
- Built new “Intelligent” Systems engineering department capable of delivering interoperable energy systems with enterprise software as the central nervous system
- Built new Software Engineering department enabling higher quality, reuse, less rework, and systems level collaboration across GE business units creating new software engineering business models.
- Delivered applications & systems on-time, within budget, and highest quality driving incremental revenue
- Championed new concept promising bigger “system of systems” level business models and solutions by enabling integration across all energy industries.
- Presented white paper and findings to IEEE SoS (Systems of Systems) Conference in New Mexico in June 2011.
- Awarded the Edison award from Jeff Immelt, CEO GE, in May 2011. This award recognizes innovation, courage, execution, customer value, and growth to GE and the industry over many years.
- Awarded the GE Energy Leadership Award in January 2011. This award was granted for creating new business models and solutions across multiple engineering disciplines – electrical and software engineering
- Pioneered and Chairman of Smart Energy Society of Technology Association of Georgia
0-5 years of experience
Chosen for this position to identify weaknesses in the current application suite supporting the Online Consumer Retail Bank and develop a team and strategy to reengineer all aspects of the environment. Key objectives were to retire aging infrastructure, consolidate to a single multi clustered Oracle environment, reduce program redundancies, improve customer performance, create resiliency and to eliminate single points of failures. In addition I was responsible for working with a coalition of resources to implement a more data secure and redundant infrastructure across the expanding multi-datacenter environments.
- Recruited a small core team of talented technical and business resources to define and develop the next generation business and technology foundational platforms.
- Led the development of the technical next generation foundation and integration steps with needed business transformation foundation.
- Oversaw the expansion of the core team for the design, development and deployment of the first end-to-end customer application using the new business and technology driven foundations. Accomplished this delivery in half the time of the legacy processes and delivery standards estimate.
- Through the reengineering efforts created a team to support shared services – both data access and business services – to streamline future change and align common terminology and data use into a shared model driven architecture.
- Partnered with the infrastructure delivery to create and implement common operation stacks to support all e-Channel deliveries to simplify ordering, create needed redundancy and support better configuration and capacity management going forward.
0-5 years of experience
Provided operational hosting and support services for the implementation of enterprise technology initiatives and system integrations. Led a team of 25 responsible for managing and administering network, storage, UNIX and Windows-based technologies. Oversaw initiatives for global email messaging, unified communications, SSLVPN/Citrix remote access; SharePoint collaboration; and physical and virtual server hosting. Managed a $2MM capital budget and $1MM operational budget.
- Responsible for managing the hosting environment for 1700+ servers in multiple datacenters. Worked with local facilities teams to govern utility resources (Power, Space and HVAC), and administered the deployment of infrastructure core services (WAN/LAN, Network Security, DNS, AD, eMail, etc) for each datacenter.
- Pioneered system designs that supported internal business mergers, on-demand computing, and disaster recovery for 500+ applications hosted on various server systems.
- Significantly reduced costs and increased security and accessibility for web-based application access across multiple [company name] businesses by implementing Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) and Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM / FIM) technologies, enabling a universal Federated Application authentication system for shared application access leveraging LDAP proxy security. This ILM system contains auditing control for SOX, HIPPA, and Human Resources/Legal policies.
- Realized annual operational savings of over $2.5MM ($500+ per user) by pioneering unified communications, implementing forefront security, and integrating with [company name]s.’ ERP and an order management system; implemented a live communication server with Federation and Live Meeting with video conferencing (SaaS.)
- Established and maintained key vendor relationships and service level agreements with Microsoft, HP, IBM, Symantec, EMC, and NetApp.
- Re-designed and re-architected shared structured/unstructured data, file/print services by eliminating multiple file and application database servers, which were consolidated to a NetAPP NAS/SAN system; leveraged low-cost SATA for data file management and Fiber Channel for SQL/Oracle databases and VMware hosted applications; increased the company’s ability to dynamically provide data redundancy and high availability.
- Pioneered and managed the implementation of Microsoft System Center suite of applications for 600+ MS Windows servers (SCOM / SCCM / VMM and DPM.) Projected capital savings per server: $4.5K per server/$270K+.
- Effectively managed 1,700+ (800 VMware) server systems globally (Private Cloud). Was directly responsible for a team of 7 engineers who provided level 1-3 support, including patch deployment, virtualization, and security management. Ratio of 1 Engineer supporting 220+ servers.
- Architected and managed the implementation of a disaster recovery service to support a Business Continuity Defined Recovery Point Objective of five minutes (2n+1); contracted with Ongoing Operations (SaaS) that provided email application services (22,000 mailboxes and 5,000 Blackberry/iPhone smart-phone users.)
- Resource manager for 25 direct reports; consisting of Directors, Managers and Employees. Partnered with HR to manage staffing levels, compensation, conduct periodical staff performance management reviews, and chart staff career development.
0-5 years of experience
Provided overall administrative support to Senior Technology Executives.
- Coordinated scheduling for Senior Leadership Teams, including: Maintenance of the Management Routines through SharePoint, coordination of the monthly executive reviews with the Business Partners, coordination and facilitation of the All-Hands /Town Halls, Account Team meetings, etc.
- Facilitated and maintained a group of SharePoint and Meeting Workspaces.
- Supported a demanding and evolving environment that required flexibility, the ability to multi-task and strict attention to detail.
- Scheduled complicated domestic/international travel, including ground, air, hotel, dining and entertainment and coordinated active personal and business calendars.
- Lead diverse administrative functions for group, including financial control/budgeting and reconciliation, on/off boarding of personnel, audit/compliance activities, premises management, coordination of projects, associate training, process improvement activities, business continuity and communications.
- Administered bank programs and policies and assisted in the development of administrative policies and procedures.
6-10 years of experience
Provide executive leadership for [company name] Unauthenticated Online Experience, Microsites, Next Generation Platform Framework, and Mobile (Web, SMS, and Native) capabilities. Responsible for all aspects of IT planning, implementation and support as an integral component with our business and service partners within areas of responsibilities. Led the technology transformation and implementation of the next generation platform within eCommerce to include Unauthenticated & Authenticated Online and Mobile experiences under two major mergers. Managed staffing, budgeting, development, design and integration of software systems. Oversaw ~400+ global technology resources for design and development of web and mobile capabilities across geographic locations.
- Technology Executive responsible for delivering the first four web platforms (Country Wide and Merrill Lynch) and migrating eCommerce Online to the Next Generation Borneo Component-Based Architecture / Framework
- Effectively introduced and integrated new technologies: Online and Mobile capabilities for consumer and small businesses increasing resiliency and stability while improving customer experience, revenue and reducing operational costs. [company name] Online and Mobile capabilities are rated #1 across the industry serving over 30M online customers and 7+M mobile users (and growing). Mobile Application is rated #1 Financial App with Apple, Google, and RIM and achieved Gomez Best of the Web Award and 2010 ChangeSciences “Top Mobile Web”
- Delivered Native Mobile applications and launched to market supporting android, iOS, RIM, and Windows OS platforms across devices. Achieved #1 Financial App immediately on introduction to GA and rapidly growing (~ 5.1M downloads)
- Drove “always-on” resiliency capabilities to rationalize and simplify infrastructure and application topologies through program execution
- Participated and contributed to the Integrated Strategic Business Capabilities as well as the 3-Year Technology Strategy
- Developed a Global Mobile Center of Expertise and Competencies to improve our ability to quickly adjust to technology and business emerging capabilities while implementing a Federated Organization Model to align our vision to the corporate level to include NFC payments
- Managed technology control function around business risk, compliance and audit management for the line of business including quality control inspection and audit within the corporation and external federal regulatory agencies
- Drove execution of key strategic initiatives through product lifecycle; provided risk based support and consultation for projects, initiatives and business process changes including but not limited to risk identification and control design
6-10 years of experience
Central Auto Team is an automotive retailer with 6 dealerships headquartered in Norwood, MA.
- Awarded General Motor’s Outstand Product Knowledge and Customer Satisfaction Citation.
- Chief Technology Sales Executive for current calendar year for dynamic sales force.
- Added to the Internet offerings of the dealerships increasing sales and exposure.
- Worked with management and sales force to ensure that the sales were current on all training.
0-5 years of experience
- Led the development of the organizational vision and strategy for a 650 person technical organization.
- Developed the change program to lead a technical organization from a Waterfall/Iterative SDLC to an Agile SDLC.
- Responsible for $15MM+ P&L with over 50 technical staff members covering 20+ applications.
- Developed the 3-year technology strategy for the Enterprise Compliance Organization.
- Led the initial phase of the Consumer Compliance Monitoring program demonstrating compliance with consumer laws and regulations.
0-5 years of experience
Developing strategies to leverage technology and partnerships to grow the business. Designing and developing products and solutions for new markets. Providing thought leadership and leading cross-functional teams on existing engagements.
- Identifying and defining strategic development for new business growth into new markets including critical infrastructure protection (CIP), cybersecurity and HealthIT.
- Developing business cases and transition plans for new technology baselines including cloud, mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) which lowers cost, increases mission capability, aligns with emerging industry standards and enhances interoperability.
- Provided strategic and tactical technology leadership to USG organizations. Developed mission-based Strategic Technology Roadmaps for strategic planning and systems acquisition decisions balancing cost, performance, schedule and risk.
- Led cloud migration study for mission critical applications from dedicated data centers to Amazon Web Services.
- Conducted congressional-requested specific technology review of the Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E).
- Led industry engagement for a USG organization. As a senior advisor and product manager, represented USG with the IT Industry and standards development organizations.
- Collaborated with IT industry associations and technology providers to survey state-of-the-art technologies for insertion into Federal and State & Local homeland security and emergency response programs.
- Established corporate R&D laboratory for insight, innovation and integration of new services and solutions for new markets.
- Led corporate certification initiatives (ISO 9000, etc). Advised on M&A activity.