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Free Operations Assistant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Moore:

Upon learning of your need for a new Operations Assistant, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your review. As an organized and motivated professional with experience providing administrative, logistical, and general operational support to drive corporate success, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

From processing orders and maintaining records to performing general administrative responsibilities and supporting inventory management functions, my background has prepared me to excel in this role. Backed by my superior communication and multitasking capabilities, I excel at providing exceptional organizational and time-management expertise and driving optimal productivity and success.

Highlights of my experience include…

Managing comprehensive operational support functions’such as inventory control, markdowns, order fulfillment/shipping, accounts receivable, and cost control—while ensuring top-level efficiency and goal achievement as an Operations Assistant for 3ML.

Following up on open orders that did not meet required ship dates to identify and resolve issues and maximize customer satisfaction.

Troubleshooting causes of product shortages and generating weekly shortage reports for management review.

Winning “Employee of the Quarter” award for recommending and following through on a system overhaul and transition from manual to automated functioning, leading to drastic improvements in productivity, efficiency, and cost savings.

Demonstrating dedication to providing outstanding operational support while streamlining operations and facilitating organizational success.

Balancing multiple tasks while providing top-level problem-solving and interpersonal skills.

With my proven commitment to delivering the highest level of operational assistance, I am well prepared to extend my record of exceptional service to your team. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jim E. Beal

Include These Operations Assistant Skills

  • Business acumen and commercial awareness
  • Being able to follow instructions
  • Resourcefulness and problem-solving orientation
  • Flexibility
  • Being able to work under pressure
  • Time management and multitasking
  • Teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Self-motivation and an interest in learning new things
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