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Free Business Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Demers:

Upon discovering your posting for an experienced and savvy Business Manager to join your team, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. As an experienced and motivated management professional with exceptional leadership and interpersonal abilities, I am prepared to significantly contribute to Haven’s goals in this role.

My background includes leading operations, teams, and processes to drive business and customer service success. From coaching and developing staff to implementing operational procedures designed to optimize efficiency and productivity, I excel at directing employees, propelling sales and revenue growth, and achieving first-rate levels of customer satisfaction and retention.

Highlights of my experience include…

Recruiting, training, and managing dynamic and productive staff to propel organizational success and accelerate business development.

Overseeing comprehensive operations—including report generation, inventory management, and budget administration’to optimize efficiency and productivity.

Consistently meeting, and often surpassing, corporate goals; sourcing new customers through various channels to realize a 73% increase in revenue for Smart Modem.

Demonstrating superb time management, communication, and problem-solving skills to excel within fast-paced environments.

My skills in team and operational leadership have been finely honed, and I am confident my additional strengths will readily translate to your environment. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be most welcome.

Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Kevin C. Durrant

Include These Business Manager Skills

  • Business management expertise
  • Organizational skills
  • Strong communication and interpersonal abilities
  • Business procedures familiarity
  • Leadership
  • Computer proficiency
  • Research skills
  • Data analysis competences
  • Business acumen and commercial awareness
  • Decision-making and sound judgment
Business Manager Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!