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Free Barber cover letter example

Dear Mr. Salazar,

When I heard of your barbershop’s opening for an experienced new Barber, I felt compelled to send along my resume for your review. With more than 11 years of excellent experience serving as a Barber at Kenny’s Barbershop, I am confident that I could make a significant contribution to your business in this role.

My professional expertise lies in performing all barbering tasks with skill and always exceeding client expectations, whether I am making styling recommendations, trimming a beard, or keeping a clean workstation. I make ure to always actively listen to clients and ensure outstanding levels of customer service and satisfaction. With my talent for consulting with clients and providing a broad range of barbering services, I am excited to put my knowledge and skills to work for your barbershop and improve your bottom line.

The following skills demonstrate my qualifications for this position:

Providing a large and returning clientele base of over 80 customers with quality hair styling, coloring, and perming services.

Maintaining a clean and organized workstation Completing necessary paperwork for each scheduled session to ensure appropriate timing and billings are met Maintaining knowledge of current cutting techniques and styles to meet client needs and recommend and implement new styles.

Personally handling customer problems or concerns to ensure appropriate resolution steps are taken to maintain customer satisfaction.

I am eager to discuss what I can offer Salazar’s in this position. I am confident in my ability to provide outstanding barbering services to new and existing customers, and will be sure to enhance client satisfaction and exceed your expectations for this role.

I look forward to discussing my candidacy with you in person, thank you for your consideration.


Eugene R. Wilde

Include These Barber Skills

  • Barbering experience
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Basic computer literacy
  • Knowledge of health and safety standards
Barber Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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