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Free School Bus Driver cover letter example

Dear Mr. Dominguez:

When I learned of Elderwood Elementary’s need for a new School Bus Driver, I hastened to submit the enclosed resume. With 15+ years of experience as a bus driver with Flower Hill Elementary School in Olympia, I am poised to leverage my time management skills, my superior work ethic, and my flawless driving record to make an immediate and positive contribution to Elderwood Elementary School in this role.

With a tireless dedication to excellence and a commitment to providing outstanding rider experiences, I bring to the table the ability to excel at safely and responsibly picking up and dropping off students, both from their homes and special events. My proven success observing and monitoring children’s behaviors—along with my excellent problem-solving skills—prepares me to make a significant impact on your school.

Highlights of my experience include…

Performing a variety of responsibilities and communication functions—including vehicle maintenance, reporting, disciplinary actions, and scheduling’to optimize bus service and ensure maximum levels of safety and timeliness.

Possessing expertise in Olympia’s streets, arterials, routes, and various neighborhoods, as well as a solid knowledge of traffic laws and regulations and a valid driver’s license.

Adhering to a precise schedule while adjusting to evolving traffic and weather conditions; modifying schedules when needed or appropriate.

Excelling within deadline-focused atmospheres while ensuring accurate completion of necessary tasks.

With my record of success as a School Bus Driver, coupled with my inherent interpersonal and organizational skills, I am ready to provide outstanding service at Elderwood Elementary School. I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Ralph J. Foster

Include These School Bus Driver Skills

  • Schedule and route preparation/adherence
  • Discipline and behavior observation/monitoring
  • Safety standards/compliance
  • Vehicle cleaning and maintenance
  • Traffic/weather modification
  • Passenger loading/unloading
  • Records/log books
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