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Free Model cover letter example

Dear Ms. Weinberg:

When I learned of Trade Wind Modeling’s need for an experienced Model, I was eager to submit the enclosed resume. As an enthusiastic professional with an extensive background in modeling for highly reputable global companies, I am well positioned to exceed your expectations for this role.

With my adaptable, flexible personality and my outstanding work ethic, I excel in providing top-notch modeling service and maximum client satisfaction while promoting products and goods across various industries. From participating in photo shoots to filming commercials, my proven success excelling within collaborative environments prepares me to make a strong contribution to Trade Wind Modeling.

Highlights of my experience include…

Presenting clothing, jewelry, and consumer goods products in commercials, on runways, in print advertisements, and through live participation in fashion and trade shows.

Holding a reputation for forging and sustaining excellent relationships with art directors and photographers to effectively market products and achieve the best pictures and videos possible.

Following a strict regiment of healthy diet, exercise, and sleep habits to maintain a superior appearance.

Excelling within challenging and creative atmospheres while meeting deadlines and ensuring accurate completion of necessary tasks.

Having spent the past 15 years traveling the world to fulfill diverse modeling assignments, I am ready to offer my credentials and experience to Trade Wind Modeling. I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in further detail.


Geoffrey M. Horne

Include These Model Skills

  • Physical fitness
  • A strong character and resilience
  • Flexibility and being available to work at odd hours
  • A pleasant appearance and good grooming
  • Fashion sense and trends awareness
  • Time management
  • Being able to cope with rejection
  • Effective communication and strong people skills
  • Stamina and perseverance
  • Discipline and confidence
Model Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!