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Free Investment Banking Associate cover letter example

Dear Ms. Paladino:

As a highly accomplished Investment Banking Associate with extensive experience driving and managing valued corporate and partnership securities – including debt, equity and those of a derivative nature – I am excited to share with you my enclosed resume as you look to fill the Investment Banking Associate role at Arlington Financial.In my most recent position as an associate with Blumfort Financial Group, I was responsible for valuing equities, bonds and other government securities, and developing investment strategies for managing mutual fund and other investment portfolios. My demonstrated success in supporting senior bankers on effective investment strategies positions and managing essential client transactions positions me to make a significant and positive impact on your firm.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Grew mutual fund value by 27% while closely monitoring the net asset value and making superior investment decisions.

Built and maintained essential models for valuing mutual funds and other investment portfolios.

Coordinated with brokers and traders to perform business due diligence on investment opportunities.

Conducted monthly and quarterly mutual fund portfolio reviews.

Provided audit and tax assistance to the financial control unit.

With my extensive financial services background, combined with my inherent understanding of market performances and client focus, I am ready to provide outstanding financial service to Arlington Financial. I look forward to discussing the position with you in further detail.


Liam T. Caughlin

Include These Investment Banking Associate Skills

  • Financial expertise
  • Computer proficiency and knowledge of relevant software
  • Analytical thinking
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Good math skills
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Effective communication skills
Investment Banking Associate Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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