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Free Athletic Trainer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Knowles:

When I learned of your need for an experienced Athletic Trainer to join your team, I felt compelled to send you my resume for your consideration. If you are looking for a client-centric, positive, and results-driven professional with excellent interpersonal and motivational skills, I am confident you will find that my experience, background, and credentials will significantly benefit your facility in this role.

My background includes helping clients to overcome physical challenges and injuries and achieve their fitness goals. From conducting fitness assessments and designing customized exercise routines to leading rehabilitation / prehabilitation sessions with athletes and evaluating initiatives/results, my experience has consistently resulted in mitigating critical injuries and enhancing athletes’physical wellbeing. Additionally, my ability to quickly connect with patients and establish trusting relationships—complemented by my strong communication talents—positions me ready to thrive in this challenging role.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Excelling as an Athletic Trainer for the past 15 years, working under the direction of physicians and physical therapists to manage the overall injury wellbeing of athletes, encompassing tasks such as concussion testing, rehab plan design and development, hydrotherapy, and strength / conditioning programs.

Slashing unnecessary ER visits by 57% through swift intervention with injured athletes.

Conducting one-on-one consultations to develop plans and objectives tailored to each athlete’s unique needs and goals, including those with either chronic or acute injuries.

Planning, implementing, and evaluating dynamic programs incorporating various exercise modalities to drive patient involvement in injury treatment; analyzing results to identify areas for improvement and ensure goal achievement.

With my proven commitment to excellence in injury rehabilitation and mitigation, coupled with my dedication to providing insightful guidance and support to optimize athletes’overall health, I am certain that I could quickly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in further detail would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Bill S. Martinez

Include These Athletic Trainer Skills

  • Knowledge of medical problems
  • Medical teamwork
  • Decision-making and fast thinking
  • Attention to details and observation spirit
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Stamina and self-motivation
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