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Free Fitness Instructor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Tucker

I am writing to apply to the position of Fitness Instructor. As an ACE-certified group fitness instructor with five years of experience in helping people achieve peak physical fitness, I think my set of skills can be a great fit at your organization.

My professional experience includes creating customized fitness routines for individuals, as well as facilitating various group fitness classes. I think the skills I have honed through this experience can be a great addition to LevelUp Fitness.

The following are some of my most relevant skills and qualifications:

Earned ACE group fitness instructor certification

Facilitated group Spin and Yoga classes

Crafted individualized fitness plans for one-on-one clients

Motivated multiple people to achieve and surpass their fitness goals

What sets me apart from other candidates is my general love for fitness. For me, fitness is a lifestyle. If I’m not consciously working on my fitness, then I’m engaging in active hobbies that keep me moving. I would love the opportunity to bring this energy to LevelUp Fitness. Give me a call if you want to schedule an interview. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Thomas J. Rigney

Include These Fitness Instructor Skills

  • ACE Group Fitness Instructor certification
  • Fitness acumen
  • Current on latest fitness trends
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ability to motivate others
  • Active lifestyle
  • Lively personality
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Time management skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Active listening skills
Fitness Instructor Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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