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Free Food Service Supervisor cover letter example

Dear Mr. Ray:

Upon discovering your posting for a Food Service Supervisor, I quickly decided to submit my resume for your review. As an experienced and service-oriented professional with more than 13 years of experience driving operations and staff leadership in food service within various healthcare settings, I am more than prepared to achieve Horizon Nursing Care Facility’s goals.

My background encompasses directing food service operations and teams to ensure outstanding dining experiences for customers, visitors, and residents while ensuring adherence to budgetary guidelines and internal regulations. From developing and introducing menu items and monitoring customer dietary requirements and requests to leading highly motivated teams and driving first-rate quality assurance, I excel at providing an exceptional level of customer satisfaction and retention while consistently reigning in expenses.

Highlights of my experience include…

Directing day-to-day operations, food and menu preparation, staff training and development, and purchasing/inventory management for acute-care, long-term-care, nursing home and specialty care facilities over the past 13 years.

Recruiting, scheduling, training and directing up to 21 full- and part-time staff at any given time, evaluating performances and improving morale to realize reduced turnover rates.

Organizing and leading worker training programs while thoroughly resolving personnel issues and complaints regarding food quality, safety, or service.

Inspecting workstations to ensure clean, sanitized and appropriately prepped work surfaces prior to food preparation.

Possessing professional credentials of Certified Dietary Manager (CDM), Certified Food Protection Professional (CFPP) and Serve-Safe Certified.

My skills in staff and operations management within the healthcare food services sector are proven and extensive, and will enable me to make an immediate and positive impact on your team at Horizon. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be most welcome. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Eva L. Pitcher

Include These Food Service Supervisor Skills

  • Quality control/assurance
  • Inventory/stock maintenance
  • Food preparation oversight
  • Dietary restrictions/requirements
  • Staff hiring, training, coaching
  • Work shift scheduling
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Cleanliness and sanitization
  • Cost containment
  • Customer service and satisfaction
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