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Free Barback cover letter example

Dear Mr. Sullivan:

When I learned of your need for a new Barback to join your staff at Daphne’s, I decided to send you my resume for your consideration. As a reliable and personable professional with experience providing overarching support and backup to bartenders, I would significantly benefit your establishment in this role.

My experience in delivering comprehensive “behind-the-scenes” bar support has prepared me to excel in this role. From maintaining stocks and changing kegs to clearing glasses and wiping down the bar, my ability to assist in ensuring excellent guest experiences is sure to make me a strong asset to your team. Additionally, my proven talents in communication, team collaboration, and physical stamina make me a strong match for this position.

Some highlights of my experience include the following:

Kept busy bartenders supplied with ice, mixers, liquor, and beer, as well as clean glassware, as a Barback with WaterView Bar & Grill; chosen by management to take on a permanent shift on Friday nights’the busiest night for the bar—in recognition of superior performance.

Opened and closed customer tabs, rang up customers, and processed payments accurately.

Handled closing responsibilities, including bussing all tables, cleaning the bar and back areas, and locking up.

Demonstrated team building and customer service abilities, strong leadership talents, and exceptional interpersonal skills.

With my background in providing overall support to bartenders to achieve top levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction—coupled with my enthusiasm and my outgoing demeanor—I could quickly exceed your expectations. I look forward to discussing this position in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


James T. Hunter

Include These Barback Skills

  • Bar operations familiarity
  • Customer service orientation
  • Dexterity and stamina
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Attention to details
  • Good observation skills
  • Effective communication
  • Computer literacy
  • Good numeracy skills
Barback Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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