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Free Concept Artist cover letter example

Dear Ms. Demaree:

A strong technical skill set, a robust work ethic, and productive team collaboration are all essential components to success in conceptual artistry and design. With a recent degree in Graphic Communications coupled with my demonstrated interest and experience in conceptual art, I am positioned to make a significant impact within your organization as your next Concept Artist.

My background includes three years of solid experience defining design objectives and transforming initial ideas into visual images for use in areas such as animation, film, gaming, and advertising. With proficiency in a broad range of software applications—along with my ability to collaborate effectively with clients, peers, and senior management—I am confident that my talents and abilities will significantly benefit Rooster’s Crow in this role.

Highlights of my experience include…

Contributing to the evolution and success of diverse concept art projects, communicating with art directors on character design concepts and assisting in the development and selection of final character designs.

Working with a highly creative and dedicated team of artists to create and refine the look and style of characters, background, and props for a full-length animation film through 9 Monkeys Studios.

Producing rough layouts and visual development pieces to ensure alignment of characters with desired environment and “feel”; scanning and setting up model and prop sheets for animators’use.

Earning an Associate of Arts in Graphic Communications from the St. Louis Technical Institute.

Demonstrating proficiency in all Adobe programs and the comprehensive Microsoft Office Suite, as well as various other specialized design software programs.

With my capability of tackling and completing challenging conceptual artistry projects, combined with my steadfast commitment to top-notch quality and production, I am prepared to excel in providing outstanding services to Rooster’s Crow. I look forward to discussing the position, and my qualifications, in detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Constance A. King

Include These Concept Artist Skills

  • Creativity
  • Drawing skills
  • Knowledge of relevant computer software
  • Teamwork
  • Being able to stick to tight deadlines
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Self-promotion skills (most Concept Artists work on a freelance basis)
  • Networking and communication skills
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