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Free Game Developer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Lawrence

I am writing to express my interest in the position of Game Developer at Dreamstar Entertainment. I have the skills you are looking for and the necessary experience to be an asset to your company. I bring four years of experience in the field developing next generation console games for PS3 and similar platforms. During this time I developed proficiencies in coding in a number of languages including top languages such as C++ and Java. I have hands-on experience in using best practice methods in improving code, adding gameplay features such as graphics and sound interface scripts, participating in story development and troubleshooting program issues. I am familiar with various Operating Systems.

I hold a degree in Computer Information Systems and am a detailed-oriented individual who can work collaboratively within a team and individually. My mature and responsible nature has endeared me to team leaders and project managers I have worked with.

The summary of my career highlights are produced below:

Was involved in various gaming systems for children that needed to provide a fun learning experience.

Completed all projects well within project times and ensured quality standards were consistently met.

Improved database efficiency and load times ten times faster by implementing an enhanced update process.

Collaborated with Senior Game Developer to create complex architectural systems for core game systems.

I believe my skills, experience, and shared vision can help Dreamstar Entertainment provide a higher client satisfaction experience. To be a successful Game Developer and an asset to the company I work for, I remain committed to continual professional development in my field. I hope my application is worthy of an invite to a face-to-face meeting with you. I have included my contact details on my resume.


Harry Stanley

Include These Game Developer Skills

  • Entry-level Game Developers are required to have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or a similar field.
  • Expertise in programming languages and tools like java, C++, Maya Scripting Language, Perl, Python PHP and ActionScript 3.0.
  • Must be detailed-oriented.
  • Creative skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Team work
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