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Free Medical Assistant Internship cover letter example

Dear Dr. Ponds:

As an emerging medical professional with a recent associate’s degree in medical assisting and practicum experience providing services to a variety of patients, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume as my application for a medical assistant internship position. My background and enthusiasm are certain to substantially assist the Bayview Medical Center in meeting and exceeding its healthcare goals.

My ability to coordinate patient services and support physicians and nursing staff positions me to excel in this role. With my academic experience encompassing strong classwork in areas such as anatomy, medical terminology, and pharmacology, along with my superior communication skills, I am prepared to make an immediate and lasting contribution to your team.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Shadowing physicians in a practicum role with the Sky Harbor Medical Center to closely observe medical procedures and develop a wealth of knowledge facilitating career growth.

Recording vitals, collecting specimens and samples, documenting medical histories and test results, and sending prescription information to pharmacies

Assisting physicians in patient examination and treatment, communicating compassionately and professionally with patients and helping to explain physicians’instructions and treatment procedures

Amassing scholarships and awards throughout academic tenure in recognition of outstanding performance and solid grasp of medical/scientific coursework

Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to advancing overall patient health and well-being

With my academic and hands-on experience in supporting care and treatment for a variety of patient types, I am confident in my ability to significantly contribute to your practice in an intern capacity. Additionally, my innate sense of advanced responsibility and flexibility will ensure my capacity as a key asset to your team. An opportunity to discuss your needs and my qualifications in more detail would be most welcome.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Rene L. Orozco

Include These Medical Assistant Internship Skills

  • Medical histories and patient vital signs
  • Patient interviews
  • Blood, tissue, and urine sample collection
  • Prescription authorization
  • Patient examination and treatment assistance
  • Medical terminology
  • Insurance and billing information
  • Patient communication and education
  • Medical equipment
  • Data entry
  • Administrative support
  • Supplies and inventory maintenance
  • Customer and patient service
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