JobHero has the internet’s biggest database of healthcare support resume examples for you to peruse and choose from. Use our professional resume examples to get inspired to create your own attention-grabbing resume.

Our most requested resume in the healthcare support field is for medical assistants. Use this professional example to see the essential components that comprise a great resume.

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Job Outlook for Healthcare Support

The healthcare industry is expected to leap 14% by 2028 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means great opportunities abound in healthcare support — you just have to make sure that your resume is on point to land one of these roles.

Check out some of our expert writing tips below to ensure that your resume promotes you as the right candidate for your dream job.

3 Tips for Writing Healthcare Support Resumes

Choose the Right Format for Your Healthcare Support Resume

A resume’s format refers to how it’s organized and what sections are put under the spotlight. So, it’s pretty essential that you decide how you want to organize your resume before you write it.

There are three main resume formats: chronological, functional and hybrid.

The one that’s best for your resume more or less depends on how much experience you have.

If you’re a candidate with more than five years’ experience in healthcare support, you should use a chronological format.

A chronological format is the most common kind of resume format. You’ve probably seen or written one before, just never heard it called such.

It’s also the format most hiring managers prefer because it puts the focus on what you’ve achieved in similar past roles.

This format is perfect if you have the experience to use it. But not everybody has many years of experience, and should consider a different resume format.

For instance, if you want to apply to a healthcare support role but you have little or zero experience — maybe you’re just out of school or transferring from a different industry — you should use a functional format.

A functional resume format puts greater emphasis on your skills and education instead of your work experience. This way your resume highlights the things you’re good at rather than your inexperience.

As a perfect in between, if you’ve got more than two years of experience but less than five years total, you should consider using a hybrid format.

Just as its name implies, a hybrid format is a mix of a chronological and a functional format. While it gives greater emphasis to your skills, it also gives more space to describe your healthcare support work than a functional resume.

So, choose one of these three formats before you begin writing your resume. It will help make sure you’re presented in the best way possible to future employers.

Promote Your Healthcare Support Skills

While healthcare support jobs may vary greatly from role to role, there are skills that are in demand across the industry.

It will benefit you to include some of these desired healthcare support skills in your resume as they apply to you.

Desired skills for healthcare support professionals include:

  • Attention to detail
  • Patient support
  • Nurturing
  • Communication
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Organization
  • Vitals taking
  • Following protocol
  • Medical knowledge
  • Medication expertise
  • Dosage administration
  • Needle safety
  • Engaging
  • Facility cleanliness
  • Patient rapport
  • Physical therapy
  • First-Aid
  • Resuscitation
  • Companionship
  • Familial communication
  • Personal grooming
  • Elder care
  • Regiment following
  • Judgment
  • Responsible action
  • Calm under pressure
  • Dietary guidance
  • Record keeping
  • Data entry
  • Consistency
  • Emergency contact notification
  • Activity planning

Feature some of these skills in your resume as they apply to your work style or work history.

Be sure to pay close attention to the language used in the job posting and try to echo back keywords and phrases that the employer uses — this is the clearest indicator of what it is they seek in a candidate.

Use a Template to Make Sure Your Resume Looks Outstanding

A resume template is a preformatted document that you can use to create your resume faster because it takes care of design elements for you.

Think of it as a resume example that you can just fill in with your own personal information.

Best of all, they’re super easy to use. Just select a template that you like, download it and input your personal information. Once you save it, your resume is ready to send out to employers.

Since you don’t have to waste valuable time tinkering with margins or fonts, using a resume format allows you to concentrate on writing the content of your resume, and ensures your final documents look professional.

JobHero features loads of resume templates that can help you jump-start your resume right away.

What’s more, JobHero features a customized resume builder that allows you to choose from a selection of templates, and gives you step-by-step guidance on what to include in each resume section. Plus, it even suggests auto-phrases that describe your work history with industry best practices.

Using a resume builder is like having an expert by your side as you write your resume, which makes it the easiest and fastest way to create a super document.

Healthcare Support Resume FAQ

What does a healthcare support role entail?

Healthcare support roles and their duties vary wildly, from administrative support to at-home care roles to therapy and beyond. Healthcare support generally refers to positions in-home care or secondary and tertiary levels of healthcare.

Popular roles in healthcare support include home caregivers, billing support administrators, medical aides and phlebotomists.

Healthcare support roles differ from those in primary healthcare in that they are not as specialized or geared toward life-saving situations and, therefore, don’t require extensive higher education.

What should I put on my resume for healthcare support?

For healthcare support roles, your work experience and skills are going to be the focal points of your resume. You’ll still include the other essentials like your contact information, education, and a professional summary or objective statement.

Include all the companies or people that you’ve worked for; either up to your last three or four employers or your work experience of the past ten years.

It’s best for you to gather all the information you can about the job you’re applying to and try to emphasize the experience you have that most closely relates to the job at hand.

Earlier on this page, we provided a thorough list of skills that are specific and desirable for the healthcare support field. Make sure to include as many of these in your resume as space allows.

How do I list education on a healthcare support resume?

In a healthcare support resume, an education section is essential. Some, but not all roles in healthcare support will require postsecondary education like bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degrees.

For your education section it’s important to list the following: The school that you attended, the city and state it’s located in, the years you attended, and if applicable, the degree(s) you obtained. If you’ve graduated from college, it is unnecessary to list your high school education.

If you graduated college or studied in a relevant field but lack actual work experience, it’s acceptable to include a high GPA, or list any specific coursework that you took that may be related to the job. It will help make the case that you will excel at your role once given an opportunity to do well.

How do I write a summary statement for a healthcare support resume?

A summary statement lives right at the top of your resume, and should be the best two-to-three sentence sales pitch you can make about yourself and your healthcare support work experience.

In a summary statement for healthcare support, you want to make sure that you highlight any notable medical facilities, groups or individuals you worked for and mention any awards you may have received, big work accomplishments or your most advanced skills.

Remember, you don’t want to take up a ton of space with your summary statement. You just want to highlight a couple flattering facts that portray you in your best light.

If you want even more how-to information, JobHero has an in-depth guide on professional summaries and objective statements that will give you all the tools you need to make sure that yours is attention grabbing.

Should I include a cover letter with my healthcare support resume?

Yes, in healthcare support its standard practice to include a cover letter when you submit a resume. Not doing so may hurt your chances of getting called for an interview.

This is a good thing, a cover letter gives you more space to discuss your work history and unlike a resume, it allows you to tell a story about your career progression.

If you’d like to see some great healthcare support cover letter examples, check out JobHero’s vast professional library.

You can use them to get inspired and decide what you want to include in your cover letter.

We also feature a step-by-step guide on how to write a great cover letter that will help make yours outstanding.