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Free Certified Medical Assistant cover letter example

Dear Mr. Brown:

As a skilled medical professional with experience working alongside physician teams to ensure smooth and efficient office operations as well as superior patient care, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume in response to your search for a Certified Medical Assistant. My background and skill set positions me to substantially assist your medical team in meeting—and exceeding—its healthcare goals.

My experience spans nine years of substantial contributions to fast-paced physician offices, supporting up to 19 family practice physicians and nurse practitioners in all facets of office operations—from scheduling appointments and managing records to monitoring vitals and preparing patients for examinations. My ability to adeptly coordinate patient service and enhance patient satisfaction positions me to excel in this role. Documenting patient information, communicating with laboratory staff, and delivering comprehensive medical instructions to patients are just a few of many tasks at which I excel, consistently providing a superior level of compassionate patient care and support.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Assisting a team of three internists and two nurse practitioners in my most recent position as a CMA with Pathway Medical Center, promoting positive patient flow by escorting patients to their appropriate offices, efficiently monitoring and documenting vitals, and ensuring full patient readiness in accordance with physician and NP schedules/availability.

Providing overarching administrative support for medical offices, including call answering/routing, supply orders/inventory control, confidential records management, and employee scheduling.

Tasked with mentoring, training, and supervising new medical assistants.

Communicating with patients professionally and compassionately, from initial visit scheduling through follow-up care.

Interacting with patients to manage expectations and ensure continuity of care.

With my expertise in supporting physicians and nurse practitioners with comprehensive patient care and treatment, as well as general medical office operations, I am confident that I can greatly contribute to your practice. I look forward to discussing this opportunity and my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Dawn J. Smith

Include These Certified Medical Assistant Skills

  • Basic clinical skills
  • Medical teamwork
  • Being able to work under pressure
  • Bedside manners
  • Organizational skills
  • Stamina and resilience to stress
  • Computer competences
  • Counseling skills
  • Strong communication and interpersonal abilities
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