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Free Health Care Aide cover letter example

Dear Ms. Landry:

Upon learning of your search for a Health Care Aide, I hurried to submit my resume for your consideration. With more than eight years of experience providing comprehensive patient care and support, I am pleased to present the enclosed resume and explore the myriad ways I can make an immediate and positive impact on your patients’lives.

My background includes excellent experience providing compassionate service to disabled, ill, and/or older patients. Adept at coordinating multiple routine activities and services to ensure the highest level of quality care, I excel at performing diverse responsibilities and tasks to facilitate medical progress while enhancing patients’quality of life.

Highlights of my experience include…

Providing a range of support services to patients, including medication administration, personal hygiene assistance, meal preparation, bed making, laundry, and general companionship.

Communicating with caregivers, families, and health care providers to ensure appropriate patient treatment and offer support and encouragement in stressful and emotional situations.

Consistently demonstrating outstanding interpersonal, organization, and administrative skills.

With my expertise in providing general support for patients in need, I am confident that I can greatly contribute to your organization’s goals. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this opportunity and my qualifications in more detail.


Erin H. Stroud

Include These Health Care Aide Skills

  • Good physical condition
  • Knowledge of emergency techniques
  • A caring and empathetic personality
  • Basic cooking skills
  • Good communication abilities
  • Observation spirit
  • Attention to details
  • Medical teamwork
Health Care Aide Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!