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Free Occupational Therapy Assistant cover letter example

Dear Mr. Aponte:

When I learned of your search for a new Occupational Therapy Assistant, I quickly decided to submit my resume for your consideration. As a skilled and personable professional with my recent degree in Occupational Therapy combined with strong experience providing key support to patients dealing with emotional and/or physical difficulties, I am sure to make a significant and positive impact as a member of your OT team.

My background includes a proven ability to assist occupational therapists with comprehensive tasks to ensure seamless practice operations and outstanding patient service and support. From verifying client information and updating records to implementing treatment plans and aiding patients with everyday activities, I am prepared to put my education and skill set to work for you. Furthermore, my professional dedication, friendly and relatable demeanor, and solid work ethic is sure to make me an immediate asset to your practice.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Instrumental in planning, implementing, and continually modifying interventions as an Occupational Therapy Assistant/Intern with Oakbridge Physical Conditioning and Brinkdale Medical Center, respectively; coordinating a weekly caseload of patients afflicted with issues such as wrist fractures, reserve shoulder replacements, adhesive capsulitis, sensory deficit disorder, and ADHD.

Acquiring overarching knowledge in topics including passive and active range of motion, occupation-based activities, home exercise programs, massage techniques, and ultrasound technology.

Compiling patient data, administering assessments, and interpreting results for OT review.

Utilizing my outstanding interpersonal skills to foster a cohesive and collaborative team environment and maintain healthy relationships with peers and therapists.

Earning an Associate’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Newark City College.

With my in-depth professional and academic experience in occupational therapy, I am prepared to thrive as your next Occupational Therapy Assistant. I look forward to discussing this opportunity, and what I can offer, further. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jamie J. Oates

Include These Occupational Therapy Assistant Skills

  • Occupational therapy skills
  • Health care administration
  • Medical teamwork
  • Health promotion
  • Empathy and bedside manners
  • Being able to follow instructions
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Computer literacy
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