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Free Healthcare Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Wallace:

I have recently learned of your Healthcare Manager vacancy and am submitting my resume at this time to be considered for this role in your facility. I bring over ten years experience and strong leadership and problem-solving skills that will benefit your organization.

Throughout my career, I have successfully created and implemented departmental budgets, recruited and trained staff members and ensured the highest quality healthcare delivery for patients in both small medical office practices and large hospitals. I have continually managed and often cut costs, increased revenue, and maintained reliable healthcare for any institution I served as Healthcare Manager.

In my role, I have updated healthcare information systems, improved care staff training and increased federal and state compliance to healthcare standards for the medical facilities I managed. Also, I have managed budgets for claims processing, supply chain operations, diagnostic services, occupational therapy and pain management for two large hospitals in New York and Pennsylvania.

I have highlighted a few of my career successes and qualifications below that I feel best illustrate my ability to assume the role of Healthcare Manager for your facility:

Monitored and balanced budgets for 15+ departments for Bellwether Hospital

Conducted analysis of surgery expenses and created budget to save Elmert Medical Center over $60,000 in surgical expenses over a one-year period

Improved customer service and healthcare delivery for patients at Blue Crest Medical Center as indicated in a 20% increase in favorable responses on patient surveys

Awarded Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management from Winston-Salem State University

Awarded Master of Management from Duke University

Throughout the course of my career, I have maintained effective oral and written communications with medical personnel, vendors, administrative staff and other professionals in the field, leading to strong relationships with administrators, sales representatives and department leaders to ensure the successful and cost-effective operations of various medical facilities.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my experience and qualifications in person. I am available for a personal interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration.


Clifton K. Christensen

Include These Healthcare Manager Skills

  • Knowledge of federal and state healthcare laws and regulations
  • Oral and written communication abilities
  • Decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Analytical and organizational skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Leadership capabilities
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