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Free Phlebotomist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Murrell:

With this letter and the attached resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the Phlebotomist position you have available. With my solid background in phlebotomy, along with my superior skills in analysis and communication, I possess a wide range of knowledge and experience that will allow me to contribute toward the success of your team.

Through my experience, I have become well versed in collecting and processing blood specimens, documenting/updating medical records, and utilizing complex equipment. Additionally, because of my comprehensive education in life sciences and chemistry, I have gained knowledge in diverse laboratory topics, instruments, and hands-on techniques, as well as the ability to integrate superior organization and communication skills across all levels of phlebotomy.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position:

Properly acquiring and handling blood specimens according to established guidelines, protocols, and safety procedures while maintaining an unfailingly sanitary and safe workplace

Demonstrating strong knowledge of venipuncture and additional diagnostic testing procedures as well as the proper blood draw order.

Possessing a record of providing superior patient support, explaining treatments and procedures and answering questions to ensure outstanding patient experiences.

Offering complementary assistance in a full range of administrative duties, including appointments, phone support, insurance claim filing, and records management.

Obtaining credential as a Certified Phlebotomy Technician; currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.

My commitment to excellence in the field of phlebotomy coupled with my extensive knowledge of laboratory techniques will translate into dedication to the work performed by your team. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Carol C. Hunter

Include These Phlebotomist Skills

  • Dexterity and knowledge of methods for obtaining blood specimens
  • Bedside manners and empathy
  • Recordkeeping skills
  • Medical teamwork
  • Effective communication
  • Computer literacy
  • Stamina and resilience
  • Attention to details and accuracy
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