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Free Hospitality Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Dawson:

When I learned of your search for a new Hospitality Manager to join your team at The Elmwood Hotel, I hastened to send along my resume for your review. As an organized, personable, and customer-centric professional with more than five years of excellent hotel reception and administrative experience, I am prepared to greatly contribute to your establishment’s goals and objectives in this role.

From meeting guests’needs to managing a team of employees, I have experience in all of the facets of this job. I am pleased to offer a breadth of strong experience in ensuring outstanding guest accommodation and customer service. Additionally, I excel at collaborating with peers, prioritizing responsibilities, and promoting hotel services and offerings to drive revenues and achieve top-notch guest satisfaction.

Highlights of my experience include:

Overseeing operations of the Montgomery Dude Ranch, generating over $2 million revenue.

Managing every aspect of Front of House operations, including overseeing a staff of 30+ employees.

Maintaining systems and procedures designed to monitor and regulate bar/food/labor costs. Working directly with the vendors to coordinate marketing events to promote new products and drive sales.

Managing the Human Resource aspect of the business through recruiting, initial training, and continuous development.

My proven success in guest services and hospitality will allow me to thrive in this role and make an immediate and positive impact on your team. The chance to speak in person to offer more insight into my qualifications would be welcomed.

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Ellen G. Palmer

Include These Hospitality Manager Skills

  • Customer service skills
  • Hospitality industry experience
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to speak a foreign language at conversational level
  • Availability to work in shifts and flexibility Attention to details and accuracy
  • Computer competence
Hospitality Manager Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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