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Free IT Technician cover letter example

Dear Mr. Nelson:

Upon review of your posting for an IT Technician, I quickly decided to submit my resume for your consideration. With my experience in IT systems, implementations, and troubleshooting throughout my professional background, as well as my proven talents in project management and user support, I feel confident that I would significantly benefit your company in this capacity.

My dynamic background has prepared me to excel in this hands-on IT role. With extensive knowledge in a variety of systems, platforms, and applications, my technical and leadership abilities position me ready to thrive in this challenging and energizing role. Additionally, my demonstrated skills in team collaboration and leadership will allow me to become an immediate asset to your team.

A few highlights of my background include…

Demonstrating a keen aptitude for technology programs and solutions; achieving my Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Milwaukee Community College.

Six years of experience in an IT support role with Madison Manufacturing, documenting/resolving help desk tickets, installing/repairing/upgrading equipment and peripherals, and creating mailboxes and accounts while ensuring optimal system functionality and minimizing downtime.

Equipping users with the training and knowledge to utilize technological programs and tools to their maximum potential.

Achieving extensive knowledge in equipment operation, systems support, and logistical oversight to facilitate organizational success.

Demonstrating superior organizational, analytical, problem-solving, and communication abilities.

With my strong experience in IT system/equipment functionalities and support, coupled with my impressive array of technical proficiencies, I believe I could quickly exceed your expectations as your next IT Technician. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Elizabeth I. Sheen

Include These IT Technician Skills

  • Information technology expertise
  • Troubleshooting skills
  • Being able to work under pressure
  • Problem solving abilities
  • Creativity
  • Computer proficiency
  • Attention to details and observational skills
  • Effective communication
  • Confidentiality and data privacy knowledge
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