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Free Associate Attorney cover letter example

Dear Mr. Jones:

As a skilled and highly knowledgeable professional with key experience in legal research, analysis, negotiation, and representation, I am well prepared to surpass your expectations. With this in mind, I invite Jones & Parnell to consider the enclosed resume as you look to fill the Associate Attorney position.

Currently, I offer extensive general practice legal services—with a specialized focus on bankruptcy—in an internship capacity with Steeler, Gromman, and Norwood. Having recently earned my J.D. degree from the University of Virginia, I now stand prepared to leverage my advanced education coupled with my drive to ensure outstanding client representation and service to your firm’s benefit.

My qualifications and experience include the following:

Researching, drafting, reviewing, negotiating, and litigating a range of legal documents for clients in chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy proceedings while effectively interpreting laws, rules, and regulations and analyzing probable outcomes.

Meeting creditors, negotiating with lenders, and attending confirmation hearings while concurrently representing clients in foreclosure defense proceedings.

Advising and counseling clients on various legal concerns, including bankruptcy, civil litigation, and estate planning.

Demonstrating persistence, persuasion, leadership, and superior communication skills to interact effectively with clients and provide an excellent level of service.

With my background in providing legal assistance to a variety of clients—combined with my inherent understanding of legal contracts, negotiations, and proceedings—I am ready to provide outstanding service within your firm as your next Associate Attorney. I look forward to discussing this position with you in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Richard P. Garrett

Include These Associate Attorney Skills

  • Legal knowledge
  • Administrative skills
  • Confidentiality and work ethics
  • Being able to work without supervision
  • Teamwork
  • Deadline orientation
  • Computer competences
  • Attention to details
  • Effective communication
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