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Free Corporate Paralegal cover letter example

Dear Mr. Dewall:

As a seasoned paralegal with 11 years of experience supporting attorneys with corporate regulatory compliance and legal matters, I am well prepared to surpass your expectations. With this in mind, I invite Jumpstart International to consider the enclosed resume as you look to fulfill the corporate paralegal role.

My experience lies in providing comprehensive assistance to corporate legal teams in areas encompassing arbitration and mediation, legal contract development, risk analysis, and trial administration for high-profile companies in a broad range of industries. My demonstrated success in preparing pleadings and motions and performing deep legal research – along with my achievement of paralegal certification – positions me to make a significant and positive impact on your company in this capacity.

Highlights of my expertise include the following:

Facilitating corporate regulatory compliance, arbitration concerns, and legal contract administration for numerous leading companies while driving successful execution of large-scale projects within the finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications industries

Providing comprehensive legal support to general counsel, including due diligence reviews, contract negotiations, trial preparation, document and database management, and risk management

Drafting a broad range of legal documents including consents, board documents, certificates, contracts, notices, and formal agreements

Serving as the chief point of contact for outside counsel regarding litigations and trial issues

Demonstrating superior relationship management, staff motivation, and interpersonal skills

With my experience in corporate paralegal support, combined with my exceptional team leadership and analytical abilities, I am ready to provide outstanding service to Jumpstart’s legal team. I look forward to discussing the position with you in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Bradley D. Hobbs

Include These Corporate Paralegal Skills

  • Preparing pleadings and motions
  • Legal document drafting
  • Database management
  • Contract negotiation and development
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Risk analysis and mitigation
  • Research and analysis
  • Project life cycle management
  • Due diligence
  • Corporate governance
  • Reporting and documentation
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