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Free Lifeguard cover letter example

Dear Mr. Puente:

When I learned of your need for an experienced Lifeguard, I was eager to submit my resume for your review. As a trained and enthusiastic team player with a strong background in swimming and safety instruction, as well as exceptional communication and leadership skills, I am prepared to significantly contribute to your team in this role.

My background includes enforcing pool policies, observing swimmer activities, and monitoring pool operations to ensure maximum guest safety. With my formal training and certification, I possess complementary experience in instructing classes of various ages and sizes to increase participants’skill and comfort level in the water.

Highlights of my experience include…

Excelling as a Lifeguard for the Savannah Day Country Club for five consecutive summers, supervising up to 300 swimmers each day while also teaching students of all ages in swimming techniques and safety protocols.

Holding a Red Cross Advanced Lifesaving Certificate; completing ongoing refresher courses to maintain certification.

Ensured a safe and enjoyable environment for all pool guests while enforcing rules and regulations pertaining to safety and cleanliness.

My expertise in diverse lifeguarding responsibilities, along with my dynamic collaborative abilities and my positive attitude and work ethic, position me to excel in this position. I would welcome the chance to further discuss my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Amy Oliveri

Include These Lifeguard Skills

  • Excellent swimming skills
  • Physical fitness
  • Stamina and perseverance
  • Strong observational skills
  • Teamwork
  • Effective communication
  • Being able to stay calm during emergencies
  • Concentration and decision-making
  • A firm approach with individuals who are not following safety rules
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