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Free Safety Coordinator cover letter example
Dear Mr. Nielson:
As a skilled and focused professional who specializes in coordinating safety and regulatory compliance and enforcement, I am submitting the enclosed resume for your review in response to your posting for a Safety Coordinator. My knowledge and expertise position me to valuably contribute to your organization.
My established ability to effectively facilitate safety inspections and audits is complemented by a steadfast commitment to achieving comprehensive employee training and knowledge while minimizing injuries and safety violations. With proven skills in facility audits, investigations, and safety data analysis, I excel at sustaining accident- and hazard-free environments and training and motivating staff for optimal regulatory compliance.
Consider the following highlights from my career accomplishments:
Successfully monitoring and preventing workplace safety incidents through routine and thorough inspections and training program coordination as Safety Program Lead for Go-Flow Works for the past nine years.
Maintaining a comprehensive understanding of federal, state, and local regulations—including OSHA, Wisconsin EPA compliance, and workers’compensation laws’to ensure total facility and staff compliance.
Organizing and facilitating safety meetings with all staff, discussing areas of safety concern and brainstorming solutions and tools to prevent future incidents.
Leveraging outstanding leadership and collaboration skills to successfully maintain facilities and mitigate hazardous events and accidents.
With my key experience facilitating safety programs and promoting compliance—along with my finely honed organizational and staff training abilities—I am prepared to extend my record of successful safety coordination with Main Trans Industries and look forward to discussing my qualifications with you further. Thank you for your consideration.
Edgar R. Johnson
Include These Safety Coordinator Skills
- Workplace audits and investigations
- Safety data analysis
- Program coordination and leadership
- Staff training and development
- Workers’ compensation
- OSHA and EPA regulations/compliance
- Incident prevention/management