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Free Epidemiologist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Graham,

Upon learning of your need for an Epidemiologist, I am writing you to submit my resume for review. As an Epidemiologist with experience working for both a pharmaceutical company and research institution, I feel lIke I am fully capable of making an impact on your organization.

My professional experience includes developing and implementing strategies for collecting demographic data and using said data to study how diseases spread. I think my six years of experience will help me do great things for Zyft Pharmaceuticals.

The following are my most relevant skills and qualifications.

Earned Master’s degree in Public Health with a Concentration in Epidemiology

Planned and participated in several epidemiological studies on various infectious diseases

Presented a keynote on the importance of Epidemiology in a global society

Developed and implemented custom surveys and data collection methods based on the specific needs of a given research premise

Organized and analyzed data before creating presentations for decision makers

I think what separates me from other candidates is I truly believe Epidemiology is life changing work. The work we do is vital to protecting humanity from dangerous diseases, and I love being a part of that. If you would like to schedule an interview, then please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your consideration.


Colleen G. Robinson

Include These Epidemiologist Skills

  • Master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology
  • Working knowledge of various diseases
  • Mathematical acumen
  • Proficiency in Statistics
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Detail orientated
  • Analytical skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Presentation skills
Epidemiologist Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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