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Free Lab Assistant cover letter example

Dear Ms. Stevenson:

I am submitting my resume for the position of Laboratory Assistant. As a skilled technician with experience performing a variety of quantitative and qualitative tests and ensuring top-flight quality control, I am confident that I could make a significant contribution to your company.

My accomplishments include driving product development efforts within a fast-paced laboratory setting to ensure adherence to internal safety and customer expectations. With my educational background and my dedication to optimizing laboratory operations, I am in an excellent position to impact laboratory performance at Blythe Pharmaceuticals.

The following are some highlights of my qualifications and experience:

Facilitating the daily functions of a healthy operating lab, including team collaboration and cross-departmental communication, to drive superior laboratory success.

Achieving a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry; achieving a 3.95 GPA in extensive lecture chemistry courses.

Demonstrating a consistently solid work ethic and sense of personal responsibility throughout my educational and professional tenure.

My knowledge of technical laboratory operations and my ability to perform quality control procedures will allow me to help continue and expand the success of your organization. I look forward to meeting with you.

Thank you for your consideration.


Brian Fortuna

Include These Lab Assistant Skills

  • Technical skills
  • The ability to work in a team and independently
  • Knowledge of lab equipment operation and maintenance
  • Effective communication
  • Time management and multitasking
  • Dexterity and good eye-hand coordination
  • Attention to details
  • Technical report writing skills
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