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Free Transportation Planner cover letter example

Dear Mr. Smith:

With the enclosed resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the transportation planner position you have available. As a skilled and successful professional with strong experience coordinating transportation, materials, and operations for import/export deliveries around the world while ensuring compliance with domestic and international regulations and guidelines, I possess the knowledge and skills that will allow me to immediately contribute towards the success of your company.

My skill set lies in successfully identifying and securing the most cost-effective transportation options, coordinating logistics, and working collaboratively with various teams and staff to maximize productivity and efficiency. Through my experience, I have become adept in ensuring adherence to corporate goals and requirements while facilitating streamlined logistical operations. In addition, my superior multitasking, communication, and organizational abilities are sure to make me an immediate asset to your transportation team.

The following achievements demonstrate my qualifications for this position…

Excelling as a transportation planner with GBI International, coordinating the transportation load planning and shipment organization for three production plants and eight distribution centers, which generated 45,000+ shipments each year

Facilitating comprehensive aspects of transportation coordination, including customs processes, shipping, schedules, equipment, materials, documentation, reporting, and overall operational logistics

Negotiating and verifying spot rates with carriers as needed

Adhering to all standard operating policies and procedures, in accordance with organizational regulations, to drive maximum efficiency and productivity while cutting costs

Communicating effectively with carriers, service partners, peers, and senior management to ensure outstanding service levels

My proven ability to optimize transportation coordination and team success, along with my solid skills in time management and problem-solving, will contribute immensely to the success of your team at Peterson Global. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Martha A. Villareal

Include These Transportation Planner Skills

  • Logistical coordination
  • Shipping and delivery scheduling
  • Carrier negotiations and communication
  • Cost/expense analysis
  • High service levels
  • Shipment consolidation
  • Relationship building and management
  • System and data management
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