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Software Engineer Internship Resumes
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0-5 years of experience
Serve on the dispatch team for a software engineer internship.
- Work on a new ASP.NET web API project and validate the new releases.
- Developed console management application for data storage and synchronization in a large dispatch center.
- Focused on user experience and design responsive web-based friendly user interface.
- Managed five interactive tables with dozens of attributes on the server side.
- Worked collaboratively with senior members on developing multiple networking and messaging protocols.
- Build fault tolerance schemes; wrote unit tests; verified, demonstrated and documented the design.
- Troubleshooting known issues and upgraded network features in dispatch group’s best-selling software product.
- Composed five test cases based on project requirements and wrote a user manual for four new features.
- Assist with releases to QA via various test tools and performance metrics and provide feedback.
0-5 years of experience
- Participated in seven weeks of intensive immersion program in computer science, animation, robotics, algorithms, web design, and mobile development.
- Worked with peer development team on analysis, design, and implementation of mobile web app using various programming languages.
- Developed solutions and built products utilizing various coding languages.
- Presented and pitched final product to engineers and GE management.
0-5 years of experience
- Developed a responsive Web Application to simplify rule management of the Taclane Network Encryptor.
- Developed a RESTful API to ease the compilation and management of snort-based rules files.
- Assisted with Research and Development focused on assessing and exploiting the security of Internet of Things devices.
- Developed a program to control a ZigBee smart lock.
- Automated generation of monthly managerial status reports via Sharepoint.
- Technologies: MongoDB, Express, Node, Angular, Jersey, Wireshark, Zigbee, Arduino, Python.