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Free Contract Specialist cover letter example

Dear Ms. Booth:

When I read of your need for an experienced Contract Specialist, I hastened to send my resume for your consideration. As a business-savvy and detail-driven professional with more than 14 years of excellent experience overseeing sophisticated contract preparation and negotiation, I am certain to be an immediate and valuable asset to your company.

From drafting contracts and negotiating terms to analyzing risks and tracking payments, my background in spearheading contract administration functions for organizations spanning the technological, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors has prepared me to excel in this role. Complemented by superior communication and leadership skills, I am proficient in preparing business contracts with optimal terms and benefits for high-profile companies to maintain optimal profitability.

Highlights of my experience include…

Successfully wrote, revised, and eventually secured mutually beneficial contracts with Fortune 500 companies including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Microsoft, Linksys, Peterson, and McDouglass.

Drafting, reviewing, and implementing various types of contracts—including bids, RFPs, amendments, and addendums—while negotiating strategic terms to mitigate corporate risk and achieve planned results.

Negotiating new contracts valued at up to $17.5M and encompassing pricing, supplies, equipment, and favorable provisions.

Ensuring contractual protection and compliance through accurate language interpretation.

Balancing multiple tasks within deadline-driven atmospheres while providing top-level interpersonal skills and maintaining strict attention to detail.

With my expertise in all aspects of contract structuring and management, combined with my proven commitment to negotiating optimal terms and pricing for all parties, I am well prepared to extend my record of exceptional service to your company. I would appreciate the chance to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jennifer D. Stolzfus

Include These Contract Specialist Skills

  • Contracting experience
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills
  • Deadline orientation and time management
  • Organizational skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Computer competences
  • Teamwork
  • Networking
  • Business acumen
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