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Free Office Support cover letter example

Dear Ms. Lott:

As a highly organized and efficient professional with extensive administrative support experience and exceptional interpersonal abilities, I am prepared to significantly contribute to your company’s goals and objectives as your next office support team member.

My background includes performing a range of administrative operations and functions while driving office efficiency and maximizing productivity. From coordinating projects and generating reports to producing correspondence and providing outstanding customer service, I excel at prioritizing tasks, collaborating with peers and management teams, and encouraging effective communication and organizational procedures.

Highlights of my experience include:

Conducting various office administration tasks – including records maintenance, software and web updates, project management, supply orders, and customer service – while adhering to procedures to ensure optimal productivity

Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to providing outstanding support within fast-paced office environments while streamlining operations and facilitating business success

Excelling at balancing multiple tasks while providing top-level organization, interpersonal, time management, and communication skills

Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook, as well as various social media channels and HTML

My skills in general administration and office organization, along with my dynamic collaborative abilities and my positive attitude and work ethic, position me to excel in this role, and I am confident my additional strengths will readily translate to your environment. The chance to offer more insight into my qualifications would be appreciated. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Vickie T. Murphy

Include These Office Support Skills

  • Correspondence, phones, and emails
  • Reception desk support
  • Customer service
  • Report generation
  • Records maintenance and filing
  • Project coordination and execution
  • Supply/purchase orders
  • Technical support
  • Multitasking
  • Office machine usage
  • Data entry
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