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Free Junior Software Developer cover letter example

Dear Mr. Barton,

I am writing you to set up an interview for the position of Junior Software Developer at Martian Digital Solutions. I have a Bachelor’s degree in web design and experience working as an intern for Daisy Digital, which gave me proficiency in HTML and JavaScript. My education and experience are a great fit for what you need from a Junior Software Developer.

My professional experience includes designing and crafting code for various web functions and then testing the resulting code to meet client needs. I also have experience working in a collaborative environment and presenting status updates to project stakeholders.

Here are further highlights of my qualifications and professional achievements:

Bachelor’s degree in web design from Gordon University

Proficient in database technologies, such as MySQL and PHP

Experience using HTML5 and CSS3 to code a variety of web functions for different clients

Used CRM software to document and analyze client communication

My passion for designing useful and appealing software is what drives me to pursue a career at your company, and my eye for design and user-driven approach to development makes me an ideal candidate. If you think I’d be a good fit for Martian Digital Solutions, then please reach out to set up an interview at your earliest convenience.


Greg H. Parsons

Include These Junior Software Developer Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in IT, web design or computer science
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Awareness of trends in user experience
  • Strong presentation and communication skills
  • Ability to work in a collaborative environment
  • Strong attention to detail and design
  • Ability to meet deadlines
Junior Software Developer Cover Letter Examples Professional Image

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