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Free Copywriter cover letter example

Dear Ms. Sarah Robertson:

Please accept this as my application for the position of copywriter with Interscope Records.

I am a passionate writer with 3+ years of experience in the industry, writing for various print and online media, both here in the United States and overseas in Barcelona, Spain. For the past year I have been working as a freelance writer and copywriter gaining experience writing in different styles for numerous target audiences on topics such as music, fashion, and general news and events. Working as a freelance writer I have had to use my initiative to source projects and contacts. Freelancing has required me to have excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills to successfully manage multiple assignments and meet deadlines. My focus and excellent time management skills enable me to work independently without distraction.

I have had an abundance of experience sourcing and taking accompanying images for articles as well as audio and video files for online platforms. Working in online media as well as managing my own blog, I have also gained basic HTML knowledge as well as an understanding of Web Content Management Systems. In my previous employment history, I have assisted editors with sub-editing and fact checking, which has honed my eye for detail and command of syntax and grammar.

Running my own music blog, I constantly have an ear to the underground music scene, fueling my passion for all music genres, especially folk music. I have experience covering music shows and interviewing musicians, and I would love the opportunity to work with your organization to share my passion for music with a wider audience.

Please find attached my resume as well as three samples of my published work. I look forward to being able to discuss the position with you further.


Rebecca Ford

Include These Copywriter Skills

  • Write copy for clients’ ads, brochures, television spots, radio, and other forms of advertising
  • Develop unique concepts to promote organizations, advertisements, and services
  • Develop and produce effective advertising campaigns
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