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Free Content Manager cover letter example

Dear Ms. Travis:

Achieving business success in the age of technology requires an astute ability to write dynamic copy, measure user engagement, and determine audience needs to ensure relevant and consumer-driven web content. As a creative and organized marketing professional with extensive experience writing, updating, and managing website and social media content, I am well prepared to offer these strengths—and many others’to make a significant impact on your organization as your next Content Manager.

From developing copy and preparing editorial guidelines to overseeing content writers and utilizing social media channels to maximize brand exposure, my expertise in web content management can be leveraged to enable successful marketing and communications strategies and help businesses to achieve their unique goals. Additionally, I excel at implementing forward-thinking initiatives and concepts for online publication to create trusted customer relationships and realize sustained revenue growth.

Selected highlights of my qualifications and accomplishments include…

Holding full responsibility for organizing, managing, and continually updating web content for the corporate landing site of MainBay Apparel as well as 11 B2C subsites; monitoring site traffic, optimizing the site for search engines, and conducting in-depth research to identify customer trends and interests.

Sparking the success of email, social media, and web marketing campaigns by expertly producing, managing, analyzing, and refining campaigns across all digital media; increasing web traffic by 65% in the first 9 months of hire and growing consumer market by 31% through online marketing efforts.

Supervising a team of content editors, web designers, and product support specialists while collaborating with cross-functional departments to ensure overarching consistency in voice, look, and branding message throughout all website, email/social media, and advertising copy.

Utilizing expertise in site metrics and analytics to determine areas for improvement, working directly with developers to implement solutions.

Invigorating corporate brand identities through proven and innovative communication initiatives and strategic content designed to incorporate company values and talents.

Earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Southern California.

Considering my proven talent for overseeing the composition, management, and ongoing evolution of ambitious web content, combined with my ability to motivate and lead high-performance teams, I am well positioned to immensely benefit your company. I look forward to discussing the position further with you. Thank you for your consideration.


Shauna B. Patterson

Include These Content Manager Skills

  • Excellent writing skills
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Time management
  • Computer proficiency and web publishing skills
  • Social media expertise
  • Knowledge of current consumer trends
  • Teamwork
  • Quality focus
  • Attention to details
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