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Free Career Coach cover letter example

Dear Mr. Bates:

Upon learning of your search for a seasoned Career Coach to join your team, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. My 11+ years of experience supporting and coaching diverse clients through career changes/growth—as well as my superior communication and problem-solving skills—gives me confidence in my ability to significantly benefit your organization.

From performing client assessments and developing customized strategic action plans to working individuals from diverse industries and effectively supporting and coaching clients, I am well prepared to excel in this role. My ability to connect with clients and establish trusting relationships – along with my strong skill set in networking and talent placement – positions me to thrive as your next Career Coach.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications:

Working with clients ranging from entry-level recent graduates through C-level executives, identifying their unique professional goals, conducting skills assessments, facilitating career development programs, and achieving quality placement outcomes.

Organizing and leading professional and career development workshops on topics spanning resume writing, mock interviewing, job search techniques, social media networking and job readiness.

Gaining a breadth of experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds and age groups.

Cultivating and managing excellent relationships with clients, identifying individual goals and implementing customized strategies to drive goal achievement.

With my previous excellent experience in career coaching, complemented by my dedication to providing motivational and dynamic support to clients, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in detail would be appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.


Olivia W. Jackson

Include These Career Coach Skills

  • Client needs evaluation/consultations
  • Skills assessments
  • Client relationship building
  • Professional development workshops/seminars
  • Talent placements
  • Job search techniques, such as resume writing, interviewing and networking
  • Employment readiness
  • One-on-one coaching/mentoring
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A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!