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Free Junior Financial Analyst cover letter example

Dear Mr. Black:

Upon review of your posting for a Junior Financial Analyst, I am submitting my resume for your review. With my comprehensive experience analyzing corporate finances, managing complex financial assessments and projects, and generating detailed reports, I feel confident that I can significantly benefit your company.

From analyzing financial systems and researching market conditions to developing intricate models and improving processes to optimize performance, my background has prepared me to excel in this capacity. With proven success in managing special projects and monitoring financial metrics, my additional strengths in relationship management and team leadership position me to thrive in this challenging role.

The following highlights of my background demonstrate my qualifications for this role:

Supporting senior executive team in managing ~$275M in assets under management and analyzing tax liabilities to save clients upwards of $6M annually as a Junior Financial Analyst at UBS Securities.

Creating profitability models for clients with investments valued at approximately $11M.

Developing and establishing complex project and financial analyses, various financial models, and detailed reports and assessments.

Keenly researching both macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions, as well as company fundamentals, to offer strategic recommendations on business, sector, and industry.

Demonstrating first-rate proficiency in risk analysis, expenditure assessments, data analysis, in-depth research, and overall corporate financial direction.

Utilizing leadership, organizational, interpersonal, and analytical skills to generate peak results and top performance levels.

With my experience in financial analysis, project leadership, and reporting—coupled with my proven commitment to providing superior client service—I believe I could quickly exceed your expectations as your newest Junior Financial Analyst. I look forward to discussing the position, and my qualifications, in further detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Janet J. Mather

Include These Junior Financial Analyst Skills

  • Financial expertise
  • Analytical thinking
  • Business acumen and knowledge of business environments
  • Computer proficiency and financial software applications familiarity
  • Presentation skills and self-confidence
  • Strategic planning
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Being able to work under pressure
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