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Free Library Media Specialist cover letter example

Dear Mr. Greenberg:

When I heard of your school’s need for an experienced library media specialist, I quickly decided to submit the enclosed resume for your review. As a skilled and educated professional with more than six years of experience in library services within school settings, I feel confident in my ability to exceed your expectations for this role.

My background in performing a broad range of library responsibilities prepares me to substantially impact your school. With my successful history of assisting library users in research efforts, information acquisition, and materials location – along with my superior interpersonal and organizational abilities – I am ready to extend my record of excellence with Canyon Creek Elementary School.

Highlights of my experience include the following…

Earning an MSLS degree in 2010 from the University of Nebraska

Excelling as the main librarian at Peabody Elementary in Omaha since 2012, overseeing library materials, budgeting, acquisitions, volunteer management, cataloguing, and general class support

Managing daily technology within the library media center, modeling best practices and training both students and staff on software programs as well as hardware including iPads, mini laptops, SMART Boards, and other devices

Preparing and leading library training programs to facilitate student-wide access to materials and technology despite scheduling and budget limitations

Implementing a computerized reading management system, leading to a measurable improvement in student reading scores, participation, and interest levels

Providing comprehensive support from 2009-2012 in various library service areas at the downtown Lincoln library, such as reference desk support, circulation, collection development, interlibrary loans, bibliographic support, and library instruction

Organized, analytical, and personable with an outstanding reputation for excellent team collaboration and leadership

With my solid knowledge of school library services and technical support, combined with my passion for the wealth of information and learning potential that libraries have to offer, I am positioned to significantly benefit Canyon Creek. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Gabrielle S. Doyle

Include These Library Media Specialist Skills

  • Library service planning and implementation
  • Budget development and administration
  • Resource acquisition and cataloguing
  • Software and hardware training
  • Media center management
  • Technology and classroom collaboration
  • Volunteer and aide supervision
  • Technology best practices
  • Student and staff relations
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