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Free Library Director cover letter example

Dear Mr. Decicco:

Upon review of your posting for a new Library Director, I hastened to submit the enclosed resume for your consideration. As a highly skilled, educated, and dedicated professional with more than 13 years of management experience in library services, I feel confident in my ability to exceed your expectations for this role.

My background spans excellent experience overseeing daily operations, staff, member services, community events, budgeting, and policy development for the Clarkson County Library as its Library Director for the past 10 years. With my successful history of optimizing patron experiences across areas such as research and information acquisition, materials location, and collections—along with my superior interpersonal and organization skills—I am ready to extend my record of excellence with the Astoria Public Library in this capacity.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Holding full responsibility for all library operations encompassing long-term planning, budgeting, administration, volunteer and staff recruitment, and IT/computer equipment maintenance.

Providing comprehensive leadership across various library service areas such as reference desk support, circulation, collection development, interlibrary loans, bibliographic support, and library instruction.

Designing and introducing 12 new Children and Adult Literacy programs at the Clarkson County Library to advance reading skills of participants and encourage a lifelong love of reading.

Increasing the rate of return for the library’s annual donation drive by 44%.

Writing and obtaining a $30,000 grant to facilitate significant structural and roof repairs.

Coordinating and executing numerous community-facing events to boost library’s public image, participation, and membership.

Compiled data and prepared reports pertaining to physical facilities, collections, programs, and general activities for city and state review.

Earning an MSLS degree in 2006 from Willamette University.

With my track record of success directing comprehensive library operations and services, combined with my passion for the wealth of information and learning potential that libraries have to offer, I am positioned to significantly benefit the Astoria Public Library. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your consideration.


Andrea A. Bishop

Include These Library Director Skills

  • Library management expertise
  • Leadership
  • Problem solving orientation
  • Customer service skills
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Computer competences
  • Initiative and decision making
  • Effective verbal and written communication
  • Budgeting skills
  • Administrative skills
  • An interest in serving the library user community
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