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Free Library Page cover letter example

Dear Ms. Croskey:

When I read of your need for a new Library Page, I quickly decided to submit my resume for your consideration. As an enthusiastic individual and devoted reader with strong administrative, organizational, and customer service skills complemented by a superior work ethic, I feel confident in my ability to meet—or even surpass—your expectations for this role.

My background includes strong volunteer experience with the Blaine Public Library, performing a range of tasks and public services to support overall library functionality and patron satisfaction. With my successful ability to assist with sorting and shelving books, managing computer stations, and locating requested materials—along with my superior interpersonal and prioritization skills—I am ready to extend my record of excellence with your organization.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

Tagging, cataloging, and shelving new materials to prepare for eventual future use.

Locating and retrieving library materials from non-public stacks for both staff and patrons.

Identifying, locating, and correcting shelving errors to prevent replacement costs.

Overseeing the adult and young adult computer stations, assisting with comprehensive user needs.

Providing relief at the circulation desk when needed, helping patrons check in and out materials.

Processing interlibrary loan and material purchase requests.

Delivering an outstanding level of customer service and support.

Demonstrating excellent computer competencies, as well as strong problem-solving talents.

Earning a reputation for excellent team collaboration and morale boosting.

With my solid knowledge of library services and support, combined with my passion for the wealth of information and learning potential that libraries have to offer, I am prepared to immensely benefit your library as your next Library Page. I look forward to discussing this opportunity in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Martha T. Ward

Include These Library Page Skills

  • Knowledge of library operations
  • Being able to alphabetize correctly
  • Being able to lift weights
  • Attention to details and accuracy
  • Organization
  • Teamwork
  • Computer competences
  • An approachable manner
  • Recordkeeping
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