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Free PR Manager cover letter example

Dear Mr. Cook:

As a Public Relations executive with a reputation for delivering measurable results for major global companies, Center Stage’s recent opening for a PR Manager immediately captured my attention. With 13+ years of experience orchestrating all facets of high-impact PR and communications strategies, I am confident that I will significantly contribute to the success of your team.

From developing strategic communications initiatives and collateral to overseeing press release deliveries as an effective media liaison, I excel at generating effective and positive organizational exposure and enabling the success of dynamic media campaigns. With the capacity to employ persuasive communication skills to influence public perceptions and my proven history of developing trusting and lasting key media and client relationships, I am prepared to substantially impact the success of your organization. Furthermore, my expertise in agency and business development, strategic account leadership, client engagement, and global event management will certainly render me an immediate asset to your company.

Highlights of my experience include the following:

ÔÇó Leveraging results-driven management talents to skillfully lead PR business efforts and staff performance; holding senior-level PR leadership roles since 2003.

Spearheading communications operations—including press releases, brochures, websites, and newsletters—while developing and implementing strategic plans to drive brand messaging, event coverage, and positive media results.

Managing press relationships and pitching stories to enhance organizational exposure and generate public interest and attention.

Possessing a deep knowledge of social media marketing, relying extensively on channels such as blogs, Twitter, and LinkedIn to drive promotional campaigns and audience awareness.

Demonstrating expertise in large-scale event planning and execution as well as outstanding verbal and written communication skills while thriving in deadline-driven, fast-paced environments.

With my expertise in managing communications and PR programs, I have inspired my staff to leverage innovation and creativity with each project we tackle, a focus I would be pleased to bring as a member of Center Stage’s team. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Francine J. Wilson

Include These PR Manager Skills

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent writing abilities
  • Tact and diplomacy
  • Time management and multitasking
  • The ability to work under pressure
  • Stamina and perseverance
  • Computer proficiency and an interest in digital technologies
  • Knowledge of current affairs and business acumen
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