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Free MFT Intern cover letter example

Dear Ms. Cuevas:

When I learned of your need for a dedicated and empathic MFT Intern, I hastened to submit my resume for your review. As a student in the psychology program at the University of Denver with a focus on pursuing a career in marriage and family counseling, I am confident in my ability to significantly benefit your clinical team in this capacity.

With my practicum experience with JWT Counseling & Mental Health, I supported individuals and families working through various personal challenges and difficulties. Under the tutelage and supervision of Julia Carson, LCSW, I succeeded in assisting with the provision of comprehensive therapy services to patients, including identifying their goals and needs, uncovering techniques and ideas to encourage communication and reflection, and maintaining detailed and confidential patient records. My ability to connect with individuals and establish trusting relationships, along with my strong communication and assessment capabilities, position me to thrive in this challenging internship role and acquire valuable practicum experience.

Consider the following highlights of my qualifications and skills:

Amassing a breadth of education in the field of psychology and mental health, including specialized coursework in bereavement, marital strife, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other trauma.

Aiding in the treatment of adults, couples, and families in both individual and group environments; co-facilitating support groups to encourage communication and healing.

Pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Clinical Psychology with a focus in Marriage and Family Counseling; poised to achieve a degree from the University of Denver in 2018.

Utilizing superior organizational and interpersonal abilities to provide optimal solutions and support in difficult and highly stressful situations.

With my strong education in psychological counseling and treatment, complemented by my previous practicum experience and my dedication to forging solid patient relationships, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss this opportunity in further detail would be most welcome.

Thank you for your consideration.


Kristy M. Goodman

Include These MFT Intern Skills

  • Individual and group treatment planning
  • Knowledgeable in bereavement, substance abuse, mental health disorders, divorce/marital concerns, eating disorders, domestic abuse, and depression
  • Patient relationship building and management
  • Client intakes and assessment
  • Case notes and session/intervention documentation
  • Progress monitoring and evaluation
  • Service referrals
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