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Clinical SAS Programmer Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Performed Data analysis, statistical analysis, generated reports, listings and graphs using SAS/Base, SAS/Macro and SAS/Graph, SAS/Access, SAS/ODS.
- Analyzed data using SAS Statistical Procedures such as Proc Means, Proc Tabulate, Proc Freq, Proc Summary.
- Prepared new datasets from raw data files using Import Techniques and modified existing datasets using Data Steps, Set, Merge, Sort, and Update, Formats, Functions and conditional statements.
- Developed numerous SAS programs to create summaries and listings
- Generated customized reports using the DATA _NULL _ and PROC REPORT techniques
- Extensively Used SAS/ODS for generating different output formats as requested.
- Responsible for defining variables, merging datasets, creating derived datasets, data validation before processing.
- Knowledge of the FDA Guidance, Regulatory Compliance, and Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
0-5 years of experience
Worked on generating raw datasets on CDISC SDTM standards and analysis datasets on ADAM Standards
- Involved in Statistical programming and validation of Analysis Datasets and Tables, Listings, Graphs (TLG’S)
- Created SDTM datasets for Patient narratives.
- Created Patient narratives and generated .XML outputs for FDA regulatory submissions.
- Assisted in preparation of various study specific documents
- Assisted programming for ISS (Integrated summary of safety) tables and listings
- Involved in Data cleaning and Edit checks
0-5 years of experience
Created SAS datasets of clinical data from clinical databases; create status and efficacy datasets; create project specific macros and formats; load client data from other platforms and other software packages; prepared data to be sent to clients
- Created and executed SAS edit check programs and SAS macro and format libraries
- Communicated information about creating CDISC-compliant datasets
- Prepared documentation with all datasets and variables within, including derived variables, and the project as whole
- Performed data checks as needed, to ensure integrity and correctness of data displays
- Prepared documentation for programs
- Programed customized data displays, (including data listings, summary tables and routine graphics) in accordance with approved statistical analysis plan and shell displays for clinical research studies
- Wrote codes with Base SAS programs, SAS procedures, or standardized macros
- Performed data checks as needed to understand structure and content of data
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for developing production codes on clinical statistical deliverables using PC SAS, MAIN FRAME and UNIX/VAX platform.
- Utilized SAS Macros to develop tables, listings and figures. Extensively used PROC Reports to create listings and PROC graphs to create figures. Used SQL to convert Oracle data into SAS and for data manipulation.
- Reviewed the production program logs for errors, warnings or other notes that may impact the quality of the deliverable.
- Served as lead validator in clinical team environment: created and maintained validation notebook, participated in quality assurance (QA) charts and data review, interacted with team members and company clients, validated tracking forms and collected documentation from all support programmers. Responsibility also included validating work performed by others as well as analyzing team-programming plans.
- Developed and analyzed clinical data as well as programming SAS codes to meet company and client standards.
- Used ODS to create deliverable documents.
0-5 years of experience
- Created Tables, Listings, and Figures for Phase 4 Clinical Trial studies.
- Developed SAS programs to perform edit checks on clinical data received from CRO’s and internal data warehouse.
- Worked closely with team Statistician and prepared adhoc reports for analysis.
- Designed and developed programs for the implementation of disease management products; and clinical outcomes studies. Sources of data included: medical, pharmacy, hospital, and lab extracts from health care organizations.
- Developed clinical algorithms to support a variety of products including Asthma, CHF, and Diabetes patient stratification/indexing algorithms.
- Successfully processed extremely large volumes of data into manageable SAS datasets for storage in an Oracle data warehouse.
0-5 years of experience
Provided clinical programming expertise and hands on support to clinical projects across multiple therapeutics areas.
- Provided strong technical programming support to data management team.
- Contributed to activities in validation and implementation including Standard Reporting Systems, SAS macro utility programs and associated tools.
- Contributed in development and implementation of programming standards and conventions.
- Worked closely with Data Management to assure data quality by providing ad-hoc analysis.
- Built programs to create SAS datasets from the clinical database, external data sources, and other sources while following the clinical study’s protocol or statistical plans.
- Implemented analyses specified in the protocol or the Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) while working with the project statistician.
- Wrote SAS programs to generate tables, listings, figures, and analysis datasets.
0-5 years of experience
Developed unique and replicate tables/listings for a phase II, double-blinded, parallel study, in a UNIX environment
- Developed validation programs for these and other tables/listings
- Worked within a team environment under extremely tight deadlines, and finished all TLGs ahead of schedule, despite severe data issues requiring multiple re-extractions and reruns
- All table validations were 100 % manual (visual), not random sampling validations
- Developed a method to ‘drop’ datasets in both table and validation programs and run a proc compare to significantly reduce validation time
0-5 years of experience
Analyzed feedback data of the client and developed customized reports according to the requirements
- Prepared codes with the help of SAS PROCEDURES such as REPORT, SQL, FORMAT, APPEND, and FREQ, to generate output in the desired report format(s)
- Involved in sorting, printing and summarizing the SAS Data, modifying and combing SAS datasets (SORT, SET, MERGE)
- Developed standard report for safety and efficacy data including laboratory and adverse event summaries for NDA (New Drug Application) updates using PROC REPORT and DATA _NULL_
- Developed programs to create SDTM domains, reviewed programs using PROC COMPARE for quality check of the SDTM domains
- Handled PROC (SUMMARY, MEANS, TABULATE) for report generation
- Validate the outputs/Datasets
- Created the reports to support decision making effort
- Accountable for generating the monthly history graph, using SAS
0-5 years of experience
- Reviewed shell data displays for consistency of CRF and whole project
- SAS programming for data cleaning, validating, and QC
- Imported raw data to SAS datasets
- Converted clinical study datasets to conform with CDISC/SDTM standards
- Involved in complex datasets merging and other necessary data manipulations
- Developed Macro programs to organize and analyze clinical data
- Performed production and QC programming of analysis datasets, tables, listings, and figures, for multiple clinical trials
- Prepared documentation for programs and maintained project administration files
0-5 years of experience
Collaborating with Study Managers to understand and capture SAS BI reporting needs.
- Creating Requirement Specification document capturing SAS BI report specifications.
- Creating and testing SAS BI reports on SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1 and deploying the reports on SAS web portal.
- Improving data quality on a study level leading up to handover of the dataset to Biostatistics.
- Creating data verification reports involving complex scenarios for companion diagnostics study.
- Collaborating with Roche Genentech and Covance to ensure data integrity and quality using SAS BI reporting.
- Project Lead from Roche Professional Diagnostics for giving reporting requirements to Roche Global IT. Actively involved in requirement gathering workshops with other business areas, shaping up the next generation IT capabilities project.
- Actively participating in eCRF harmonization initiative, based on CDISC standards, across multiple diagnostic business areas within Roche.
- Created SAS Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and was also heavily involved with creation of guidelines and SOPs for new Data Management group.
- Actively involved in IT initiatives such as archiving solution, new clinical EDC implementation etc. within Roche Diagnostics.
0-5 years of experience
Processing clinical trial database extracts.
- Annotations of eCRF.
- Programming and validation of SAS datasets
- Develop SAS programs for the analysis and reporting, perform validation of analysis datasets and TLGs according to the FDA regulations and guidelines
0-5 years of experience
- Develop SAS Programs and use existing macros for Data Cleaning, Validation, Analysis and generation of customized reports, listings, tables using various SAS Tools like SAS/Base, and Procedures such as Sort, Means, Summary, Univariate, Freq, Transpose, Print, Report etc.
- Perform sorting and merging techniques on the input data sets for data comparison by using PROC COMPARE to cleanse, transform, analyze and present Clinical data.
- Perform review of project specification documents such as Data Management Plans, Case Report Forms (CRFs), annotated CRFs, and other study related documentation (e.g. Protocols, data validation guidelines, etc.) to develop statements of problems and possible solutions.
- Perform Statistical review of data to ensure data quality by utilizing SAS procedures such as PROC FREQ.
- Ongoing understanding of current FDA regulations, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), International Conference of Harmonization (ICH), Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) and other regulatory guidelines.
- Perform quality edit checks on the data to ensure consistencies and to recognize missing values, out of range values and prepare the data for Statistical Analysis.
- Develop and improve the efficiency of programs through the use of SAS macros.